And Big Business is plying Oberstar with money

According to the Hill Jim Oberstar has been raking in contributions from big business. I had read in other news reports that he had stayed around in Washington DC near the adjournment of Congress busily attending fund raisers. Bad news for Republicans have made business interests very generous to prospective Democratic committee chairman.

“Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), the ranking member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, has raised $225,000 for his campaign account from PACs between July 1 and Oct. 18, drawing donations from PACs belonging to business giants such as CSX Corporation and 3M. That amount is nearly $70,000 more than he raised from such sources during a similar stretch in 2004. But during the recent three-and-a-half month period, a $1,000 contribution to Mike Erlandson was the only money he gave to a Democratic House candidate, fundraising records show.”

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