Biding my time till nighty night

I’m solo with my grandson’s tonight. Little one is a bugger to put to sleep. It’s ten past nine and I’ve read him and his older brother two Vegietale books and played a Toy Story and Thomas the Tank engine CD and now finally a Raffi sleepy time music CD. I’ve poured a glass of wine and am waiting until I might be free of “Papa?” interruptions. Raffi used to work wonders.

The wine will go with episode 5 of House of Cards and maybe 6. I’ve been texting back and forth with Claudia getting advice on how to win the battle of the zzzz’s. We both want to watch Kevin Spacey together 2,000 miles apart.

I did manage to complete reading my first first book for 2013. I added it to my list while Thomas the Tank Engine was chugging along.

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