Those book lists

I’m sure there are more good lists to be found on the Internet, e.g. Britain’s Booker Prize, but these four gave me a good start.

Good Reads (History)

National Book Award (Histories and Bios)


Amazon Books Presidential Biographies (among other book searches)

I also have hundreds of books acquired over decades sitting on my shelves waiting for me to brush the dust off of. I love used books stores, the Duluth Public Libraries book sale and book reviews. I’ve stuffed many reviews of interesting books in a file folder and up until a couple years ago compiled a list, started in 1999, of books I’ve read in their entirety.

I’ve come to the conclusion that reading books from beginning to end can be a bit of a fetish. I’ve dived into fifty or more books as I’ve researched my prospective history and only finished a half dozen of these from A to Z.

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