Here’s a list of columnists. Some of the links actually work. The list doesn’t tell you anything about the politics of the writers only the publication or blog they are associated with. There are lots of missing names.
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- Alex Beam (Boston Globe)
- Richard Benedetto (USA Today)
- Alan Bernstein (Houston Chronicle)
- Walt Brasch (Syndicated)
- David S. Broder (Washington Post)
- William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)
- Margaret Carlson (Time)
- Steve Chapman (Chicago Tribune)
- Richard Cohen (Washington Post)
- Gail Collins (NY Times)
- Joe Conason (NY Observer)
- Maureen Dowd (NY Times)
- Ellen Goodman (Boston Globe)
- Nat Hentoff (Jewish World Review)
- Arianna Huffington (Syndicated)
- Molly Ivins (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
- Al Kamen (Washington Post)
- Mickey Kaus (
- Michael Kelly (Washington Post)
- Larry King (USA Today)
- Morton M. Kondracke (Roll Call)
- Charles Krauthammer (Washington Post)
- Howard Kurtz (Washington Post)
- Mary McGrory (Washington Post)
- Mary Mitchell (Chicago Sun-Times)
- Peggy Noonan (Wall Street Journal)
- Robert Novak (Chicago Sun-Times)
- Tom Oliphant (Boston Globe)
- John O’Sullivan (Chicago Sun-Times)
- Clarence Page (Chicago Tribune)
- Camille Paglia (
- William Raspberry (Washington Post)
- Jonathan Rauch (National Journal)
- William Safire (NY Times)
- Robert J. Samuelson (Washington Post)
- Mark Shields (Creators Syndicate)
- Thomas Sowell (Jewish World Review)
- Tony Snow (
- Andrew Sullivan (
- Howard Wilkinson (Cincinnati Enquirer)
- George F. Will (Washington Post)
- Jules Witcover (Baltimore Sun)