the harder they fall

The last couple of days have had some bad news for the GOP.

Todays NPR carried a story about how rural voters are beginning to bleed blue after being staunchly behind the President for the past couple of elections.

Yesterday on PBS’s News Hour a story reported that as many as ten US Senate seats were up for grabs right now. Months ago Republicans were all but assured of keeping the Senate and only about 4 seats seemed to be serious contests. One example of a Republican shoo-in that became a shoe-in-the-mouth is George Allen of Virginia.

Meanwhile in Minnesota which until recently Republicans were begining to regard as conquered territory the once popular and telegenic Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty is in a neck and neck race with the agressive Minnesota Attorney General, Mike Hatch. The last poll even gave Hatch a slight and as yet meaningless 2 percent lead.

The bigger they are…….


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