Heading Home

After a blissful week in Florida basking in the political ill will and enjoying mostly warm, dry weather we’re heading home to a tarp littered house where plastering and painting are transforming the interior. There should be another week of painting left to do. I’m not looking forward to that but I’ve also got two little grandsons who have missed me and the feeling is mutual.

My daughter texted Claudia the other da,y after she drove the boys past our house, and told us she informed them that tomorrow (today) Papaw and Grandma were coming home to which wild cheers erupted in her car. That’s how I feel too.

Florida has been in the grip of one of its driest Januarys ever just as Minnesota has been in the grip of one of its warmest. In fact, it will almost feel like Florida when we return home today. No need for me to worry about having left my winter coat in the car at the airport.

My eight loyal readers got a bit more blogging from me while I was away breathing in all of Florida’s political fairy dust. It has been my intention for a couple months to lay off the time consuming blogging to work on my book. However, my book writing has been on holiday with me. I’ve left the computer at our Florida residence while we visited in-laws during the day and only blogged in the early morning or late evening hours.

I might blog a bit on Monday and Tuesday to whip up interest in the Tuesday caucuses in Minnesota. I want my eight loyal readers to consider going to their precinct meetings and become delegates to later DFL conventions where they would have the chance to support me should I offer myself up as Barney Frank-like candidate for the Congressional nomination. Gosh, at least I’d be interesting. The email messages I get from the announced candidates are so bland they make vanilla pudding taste piquant. The GOP has Gingrich, Palin, Trump, Cain and a cavalcade of other eccentric candidates who its almost impossible to take one’s eyes off of. Nolan, Clark, Anderson…….I don’t think so. Remember Wellstone? The DFL could use a little chutzpah. (Its pronounced with a ch beginning if you are Palin) Oooh neat. Now I’ve got another word for the day.

Well, anyhoo, I hope to get back to writing soon and hope to post more bookin it posts. Once I’m at the airport today I’ll start wading through an inch thick set up interview notes from the past six years. I’m sure I’ll rediscover a lot of lost gems that will encourage me to take my fingers to the word processor.

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