Rick Nolan’s email uses spaces between paragraphs

Nice short paragraphs:

Rick Nolan for Congress Dear Harry,

I have been traveling the Eighth Congressional District for over seven months now talking with our neighbors about the direction of this country, and one thing has been made clear, Washington is not listening! 

We need to change the way we do politics in this country. When politicians would rather stand up for millionaires, billionaires and special interests than for the citizens they represent, there is a problem. The idea that it is more important to get re-elected than it is to make the hard decisions and get things done to improve our country is just wrong. 

From day one I have said that this campaign is not about me. It’s about all of us, and about coming together to change the direction of this country. That all starts at your caucus on Tuesday, February 7th.

Click here to find out more about attending your caucus on Tuesday, February 7th!

I am committed to the DFL endorsement process, because we need to come together as a party as soon as possible so we can carry a positive, clear and consistent message to voters. A message that revolves around protecting Medicare and Social Security, creating good paying jobs and rebuilding our country’s infrastucture, and standing up for public employees and working families!

I hope you’ll join in and support me on Tuesday, February 7th. By clicking here you can find out more information on the caucus process and where your caucus meets!

Together, we WILL do better!

Because YOU Matter.

Rick Nolan


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