And there is a good reason. Harry has been madly getting things ready to file for Congress. As if you hadn’t figured that out from all the not so subtle clues I’ve been dropping.
I’ve got my webpage up. I haven’t formally announced yet but I will soon. I still have to choose from the fundraising software available but I’ll probably use a PayPal account.
There’s been a lot in the news I would have commented on had I not been so busy but that’s life.
Oh, the new website is (typos and all):
Best to you, Harry. The people need to be presented with alternatives to the bloodfeud-for-power status quo. Whether your campaign proves to be a visionary victory, a quixotic qwest or something in between, having your voice be part of the campaign rhetoric can only be an improvement to the usual hullabaloo of political campaigning. Tally ho!