Children per employee, Doh!

I got along for a week with this blog post before someone pointed out my mistake. (I went back just now to correct it on the original post) This is what I should have written:

In Illinois Dr. Foster had 3,200 students divided by 415 staff or 7.7 children per public employees.

In Duluth Dr. Foster has 9,000 students divided by 2,000 staff or 4.5 children per public employee.

There’s a bit of a discrepancy here. I wonder at the implications. Did the Trib editorial Board notice?

This is what I wrote:

“7.7 public employees per child” and “4.5 public employee per child.”

The math, despite the flawed labeling, is correct. The question remains. With so many more employees per child why are our class sizes so out of whack?

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