Some people are still upset…

…with the DNT!

Sunday’s Trib wrote an egregious oversimplification to badmouth critics of the Red Plan. It was in a larger and well thought out editorial encouraging the people of Duluth to actively shape the future rather than simply exist as flotsam and jetsom and later complain that they had no say in changes they dislike.

Here’s the offending passage:

We’ve seen it time and again in Duluth. It’s frustrating. Community meetings get scheduled and held. Decisions get made. Then Duluthians, after ignoring an inclusive, public process, get mad. The school district’s Red Plan is perhaps the best known of recent examples. Some are still upset.

First. The upset was never chiefly about the planning. There was a lot of skepticism that the community meetings were all they were claimed to be but this was a secondary complaint. The chief upset is that unlike every other Community in Minnesota Duluth voters were denied the chance to make the decision.

Second. “Some are still upset.”

Apparently. The School District had a recent survey that showed that only 17 of 100 people felt the Red Plan was advisable. The Trib has had stories about a thousand lost students, unhappy teachers, unhappy parents, lies to the Trib’s editors by the District about the District’s finances. This four word sentence is like a four letter dismissal of Red Plan critics. Some? As in 83 out of 100 people? No wonder the Trib has so little credibility.

And by the way. I’m not impressed that these same Trib editors manufacture data that conforms to their warped view that people in Duluth should forgive and forget the attack on the public schools. Maybe this is a useful trick they learned from the master who duped them regularly – Dr. Dixon. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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