“Nattering Nabobs of Negativism” is catchier than…

….”Doubters, defeatists and pessimists”

This letter in today’s Trib is an antidote to Dr. Dixon’s last hurrah (which I can’t find on the Trib’s online site) at the Budgeteer.

When students leave the district, Duluth’s school administrators don’t tend to investigate why. Instead, it seems they decide to spend taxpayers’ money on marketing the school district, to keep up a legacy of denial and in self-promotion. The reality is that students and their parents, like the bullying victim and her parents, want their problems acknowledged and addressed head-on.

and this:

Back when the plans to expand Ordean into the new East High School were being discussed, we voiced concerns about locating a high school adjacent to active railroad tracks. The administration’s response was that trains hardly ever ran on those tracks. The tracks run right behind our property, within four blocks of the school, and we observe trains running so frequently that the administration’s response either constituted absolute denial or complete ignorance.

I suppose that folks like the letter writers will soon be labeled by the Trib’s editors as “pessimists.”

Doubters, defeatists and pessimists long have plagued Duluth with their “it’ll never happen” declarations and, no matter how good and beneficial something might be for the community, their insistence that, “We’ll never get it done.”/blockquote>

I’d be curious to know if the taxpayers have had to pay the Trib to print all of Dr. Dixon’s self promotional columns in the Budgeteer over the past five or six years.

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