News of the Day

Now that the Times is making it harder for innocents without subscriptions to read its stories there is less point in linking to them. I did however take a screen swipe image of the image with a finger over the lips of corporate titans who are currently running scared of a rampant Trump with claws in the air like the cowardly lion he is.

I didn’t read the article but I will say it helped me write a rough draft of my growing confidence of Trumps collapse. How imminent it is I can’t be sure but the haste of his blitzkrieg I think suggests he will only be able to raise hell successfully for a short time. Corporate titans don’t like being cowed by a man they consider a clown. That’s true of the leaders of the GOP in Congress who imagine themselves to be titans as well even though at the moment they have all emptied their bladders and voided their intestines at Trump. These egoists will enjoy turning the tables on him when they are finished hiding under their rocks.

I think that’s enough of the news for now. I cranked out 2000 pages of writing for the Reader column and my prospective book to explain America to the French. My Oz characters melted away in the ferocious heat yesterday. Dorothy and the Scarecrows brains are melting on the front sidewalk. Global Warming only an idiot would consider its sending ten inches of snow to New Orleans proof that its not real. Too bad that idiot is currently President. He’s going to teach California a lesson by not letting them have any water the next time fire is burning a few thousand houses down. Trump is a good Christian.

If I have any advice to the big shots who are putting their fingers to their lips to remind themselves not to make Trump mad it is this. Make sure its not the finger you’ve got up the President’s tuchus. (Is that how you spell “ass” in chickenshit?)

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