My Faustian Quest

I have apparently typed the name Faust into my blog five times since its beginnings in 2006. That includes this post. I just created the category “My Faustian Quest.”

In a moment I’ll write a new post called “My Faustian Quest – China.”

It will begin as several posts in my “books” category do with photos of my books laid out usually on my office carpet. These are the books I have bought despite my wife’s irritation for gathering dust collectors which I could easily take them out of a library or buy them digitized on Kindle.

One of those earlier posts might describe my desire to be omnipotent, all knowing, or all knowingy which probably occurred with I first learned the word onmniscience meaning knowing all. There are more omnis like Trump’s favorite omnipotent which generally means all powerful but which in Trump’s case probably means he’d like to have sex with every attractive woman he sees. There is also a u word ubiquity meaning all present as God is said to be although he must be spread thin with ten trillion galaxies to cover.

In any case I later heard of a man who made a deal with the devil for his soul in exchange for God like omniscience. It didn’t come with everlasting life so he only had a human lifetime to avail himself of knowing everything but this came before there was a stock market so he could scoop up trillions as a stock trader.

I’ve always enjoyed stories about people dickering with the Devil. The Devil and Daniel Webster or the musical Damned Yankees in my childhood when the Yanks dominated the World Series. I was never willing to sell my soul to an entity I didn’t believe in anyway but that has not stopped me from learning a little about everything as I try to get as close as is possible to the Romance Era’s ideal of a “Renaissance man.”

I deferred my political career a little because I didn’t want to be a clueless as so many young men I saw succeeding at politics. By the time I pushed myself the Republican party had no use for an honest man who wouldn’t jump on the Republican Party’s fantasy of putting chastity belts on young women…..until for the sake of Abortion denial they elected the randiest politician ever to be our President/God King.

So on to the next post which my simply be a photo of most of my books on China or the Chinese for later explanation. Its almost lunch and Claudia and I will probably watch somehing on TV while we eat sandwiches. Maybe Junior British Bakeoff or Junior Taskmaster

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