Worst nightmare related cartoon

I sent this to the editor of the Duluth Reader well past the deadline for next week ahead of Trump’s transformation back into a pumpkin. I didn’t hear back so I don’t know if it will run. If he wants to run it the following week that’s OK with me. If not that’s OK too. I’m a lousy political cartoonist. I also send the text below to go with the cartoon that gives it context. I borrowed the idea from the terrible knock off of Watterson’s Calvin pasted on car stickers showing a malicious Calvin peeing on whatever it is the car’s owner happens to dislike.

On January 10, 2025, Judge Juan Merchan, unable to send Donald Trump to prison, wished him “Godspeed” as he resumed his presidency on the day when 12,000 California homes burned to the ground. Reelected by voters who voted for him like a kid putting a rabbit’s foot in their pocket they probably missed his threat, the month before his election, to deny California water the next time fire struck the state.

I will never again contaminate snow by putting his image in my front yard. If I’d built one this winter it might have looked like this.

Harry R. Welty

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