Campaigning down Highway 61

I didn’t hop on the Interstate and decided to travel back roads which once I got to Proctor’s outskirts meant the Midway Road. All the homes were hidden behind long driveways it looked a doubtful business asking for signs there when my objective was Chisago County just north of the Twin City Suburbs. But I did stop in Esko and knocked on 40 or so doors and putting up three signs. Then I headed down Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 part of which through Esko Claudia and I used to travel on our last leg to Duluth. Interstate 35 was still being worked on the same interstate that in 1963 was being extended through Hinkley and was used by Hubert Humphrey in a dirty trick campaign to unseat a liberal Republican Governor from Minnesota. On the little tour I gave of my office I mention wanting to write about this.

There were so few homes on Hwy 61 that when I got to Barnum, home of the Bombers I knocked on another thirty doors and was glad to get one sign up. From then on I switched to I 35 and seventy-five MPH.

I didn’t get to my hotel till 3:30 and I held off until 5 before I started knocking on doors. By 7:30 I had three signs up and a good sense of what Red exurbia was like. I modified my elevator speech a little. I generally began with I want to be Trump’s worst nightmare but if a man the age of Rush Limbaugh answered the door I quickly mentioned that Abe Lincoln kept the nation together unlike Trump and that today Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous holidays for families to get together. Very few people will argue with those propositions. Many of the Trump voters, and they were legion, said they didn’t like him – detested him even.

One of the fellows who chatted with me listed all his accomplishments as if he were quoting Tucker Carlson who got the boot from Fox News. I wasn’t about to debate him with so many doors to knock on but one of my grievances with Trumplicans is that they have swallowed a lot of hogwash. It was very interesting to read about the hogwashers of Fox News and their dynastic battle to keep spreading toxic hogwash because without it they will have more modest earnings. YEAH, that’s the argument 93 year old Rupert is making in court to give total control of his empire to his lyingest older son Lachlan. Without the lies he told the court all Murdoch’s children will sacrifice millions maybe billions of dollars as lies make them richer than the truth.

The Secret Battle for the Future of the Murdoch Empire

Another problem with Trump supporters is a selective amnesia, The treason I accuse Congressman Stauber of was a long time ago and wasn’t it just a picnic anyway?

I was unnecissarily apprehensive about knocking on doors. I fast enough on my feet to jolly most of the Trumpers instead of make them mad. Only a couple people were quick to end my introduction. No Door slams…….there have only been two of those in nearly 700conversations.

I’ll carry away a couple interesting conversations today I’ll have more. Its 9:30 so I better pack up. Next I head to Wyoming, Chisago City and Lindstrom.

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