Where have I been? Where am I going?

Most recently this is where I’ve been.

Yesterday, I asked the two subcontractors who were relining my gutter if I could hang on to their rented scaffolding so I could repaint the back eves of my house. I simply took over the rental and began scraping and painting. After four hours I finished all the scraping and most of the painting. Only left side of the eves requires painting now. Originally I was only going to spot prime but so much paint came off I just put a first coat on. Its already 10 AM so I lost the time necessary to put a second coat on as I must be here to take down the scaffolding by 1:30 to return it to London Road rentals.

Last week I used the excuse of needing to watch Rick’s Tree Service cut down two of my three enormous poplar trees in the back yard. They did a great job of protecting the spindly silver maple that has stuggled for years to catch some sunshine between the two now absent trees. Its tall and spindly but it will fill out and even my daughter who grew up with its insignifance for nearly 40 years in this house was pleasantly surprised that the void was not so glaring.

But I’ve left off putting up lawn signs and have been trying to decide if I should feel guilty about that. I’m still accepting donations although there have never been very many. Over the last week of the fraught reaction to the deathly debate of Joe Biden I’ve mostly kept my counsel. I’m a Republican after all and while I see few Republicans I can support I can only wish democrats well sorting out their future till November 5th. I think Trump can be beaten either with Biden or without. I think the Dems could rebound if they get past Biden’s Trump-like stubborness and replace him although it will likely cost them deer in the down ballot races like those for Congress. And even if Biden sticks it out they might deprive Trump of winning as a lot of Americans faced with Trump’s degeneracy might prefer a likely post evacuation of the Biden presidency to the certainty of the Supreme Courts decision that the Founding Fathers were full of shit when they opted out of a Kingdom ruled by a King of a Putin.

So, I’ll tell you what is most important to me. I am preparing for four more years of Trump only now with the same determination to stop his terrorism against Democracy of the last eight years resigned but also determined to use the 100 year life time I’ve aimed for since fifth grade to fight his infection although it has probably killed the party of Lincoln.

So, my stalled campaign will take stock after November and I will build on the last four elections to remove traitors like Stauber from government office through electoral politics not the compromised courts. I hope Trump falls to the votes either to a Biden/Lazarus combination or to someone fresher. I think Kamala would be a find President and I was not worried about her four years ago when I voted for Biden. Nothing since that time suggests she wouldn’t be a million times better than the Trump infection so having said that I’ll turn to finishing my house painting. This after noon I will also spend 3 hours vacuuming our church like last Friday because our Custodian just underwent surgery for an arm and shoulder that were worn out from that kind of work and snow shoveling.

Then, when I find time, I’d like to tell you about my suicide dream.

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