Liberal, Kansas, illiberal China, Red dupes and political tracts

I put up my bright new US flag this memorial morning notwithstanding the story I read yesterday suggesting it was southern women after the Civil War who got the holiday started to thumb their nose at the North.

I bought a new flag pole a couple days ago that will prevent flags from twisting up and Claudia has taken to copying out neighbors who put up all sorts of flags. She bought the new Minnesota flag and a Duluth flag and a rainbow flag. That will keep me busy mornings.

One of the dozen items I have for a legislative wish list is helping revive Red State Journalism by propping up small local newspapers. about 3000 of them have been shuttered in recent decades. NPR had a story about how the small Kansas town Liberal…..good Republican territory has helped propped up local papers in surrounding counties in recent years.

There was another story about a new book on Alexander Hamilton I only caught the end of on NPR. It was an interview of a historian who was analyzing Hamilton’s economic policy copied after the English and French governments which both used public borrowing to be come powerful economic drivers. You can look it up yourself. I reminded me of the story in the NY Times today about how China became the dominant force in Electric hybridization and batteries. I’d only read the headline but I found it and share it with you now. Command Economies can blend with Demand economies to beat their pants off. I think their limitation… hope their limitation is the stupidity that Trump-like idolatry sets into stone. If we keep our free press, intellectual freedom and curiosity we can keep such efficiency at bay. Here’s the China story.

How China Pulled So Far Ahead on Industrial Policy

My grandson’s helped me yesterday set myself up to record my book on Audible, set up the badminton net and prepare my monster lawnsigns which I will sort of ignore after getting smaller ones which are much easier to put up in five or six days.

Meantime here’s the result of a search on Amazon Prime for books authored by me:

Published three decades apart both were published in service to financing an independent candidate’s race for Congress. Most of my VTTA’s ended up in the landfill but I still have about 200 I just couldn’t bring myself to destroy. Maybe if my campaign goes viral I’ll offer them up for a hundred bucks apiece as my enthusiasts will be hard pressed to find them used even online. If elected I will make the 119th Congress twice as interesting. Thus, either of my books could be interesting historical footnotes.

And of course. My campaign encourages donations as well:

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