I should have spent a bit more time explaining this quote from a recent Trib story.
Hanson said next year’s budget deficit would again be about $4.5 million, even with the money from that fund. Without it, he said, the deficit will creep to about $6 million.
I’m surprised the Finance Director would describe next year’s $4.5 million cuts as “cuts.” Up to now whenever the Red Plan’s “savings” were being spun staff cuts were touted as creating new efficiencies. However most of the staff reductions were necessary to pay off the building bonds to the tune of about $2.5 million annually.
Its been a great sales pitch. The Trib bought it hook line and sinker. Its been a little like describing the amputation of a foot as “weight loss.” Fortunately for the Duluth School District the amputation comes with a nice pair of new shoes.