Clean bill of health

A couple things in the Harry’s Diary category

Last Tuesday was my last substitute teaching day. I have a campaign to run.

Last Wednesday I sang On Eagles Wings at the funeral service of a young man from my church my son’s age. I was his “covenant partner” as he considered being commissioned as a member of our church. My voice was, I hope, on pitch. My hands trembled. I had sung at the Damiano soup kitchen with his Mother while serving up food for many years before Covid knocked our work out from under us.

Friday I met some young women at UMD’s Kirby Center who were manning a pro-choice table. Then I went to sing at a Good Friday Service at Pilgrim Congregational Church. Four churches gathered for the service.

Oh, and the Clean Bill of Health. Friday was my last day of Cardiac Rehab. They had me repeat a six minute walk and after I was done they told me I’d walked faster and farther than anyone before……except a woman but she didn’t take wide loops to turn around at the end of the hallways. Five extra steps on my part for a dozen or more turnarounds and I was the champ for sure.

I have a lot more free time to tie up. I’ll be putting it to good use.

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