Cuire le pain

The title is “Baking the Bread”

This is a crumb to toss my decu (disapointed) Eight loyal readers. The Blog has been an afterthought for the last year. I suspect it will come back to life sometime but I can’t predict when. So, this post goes under the category Harry’s Diary. Its about what I hope to do not so much what I’ve done.

Half an hour ago I had so many immediate and distant plans swimming in my head I was in no state to begin working on them. I laid down to clear my head with a notepad nearby to jot down all the fish. I needed them in a smaller container than the sea. The notes above my computer are what I jotted down. Good luck to anyone who wants to figure out what I’ve just written.

They include about six tasks that I’d like to finish today; notes on what to write for future columns for the Reader; three goals for this year. These include: 1st learning French before I travel to France to learn French in October, 2nd. Writing a book from items I’ve already mostly written and 3. Finishing the writing of a second book. They also include ideas for this blog post and notes about my French Pen Pal. I’ll start with my pal Francaise. Sorry, I haven’t figured out how to write French accents on the letters I type in the blog. The c in Francaise should have a tail underneath it. It turns the c into an s.

To accomplish all that I’m going to write a text message to my French pen pal. After composing it in english I will translate it line by line in my beginner French. Our latest project is reading children’s literature to each other in recordings. I’m preparing to send S a recording of myself reading a Children’s book in English. I am behind. S has already sent me two such recordings of French literature by children.

Eight loyal readers, I want you to see that I really am trying to learn French:

Dear S, My apologies for the late reply. I have a lot of thoughts swimming through the sea in my head.

Chere S, Mon regrets pour le reponse tard. J’ai beacoup des penses nage par the mer en mon tete.

I will soon send you a link to my blog so you can see what I’m up to as your English is far superior to my French.

Je envoyera bientot un lien a mon blog si tu peux vois ce que je travail depuis ta anglaise est plus superior a mon Francais.

You will read this text message in my blog. I’m using it to show the eight loyal readers of my blog that I really am taking a serious stab at French. (sorry I had to use the translator for that phrase)

Tu lira ce message de texte dan’s mon blog. Je l’utilise a montre le huit lectures loyale de mon blog que je prend vraiment un serious coup de poignard at Francais (je suis desole, J’etait a utilise le traducteur pour ce phrase.)

You will also see what I’m doing today in the worst handwriting on the planet. I took a “nap” and jotted down all the “fish” in my notebook so as not to forget any of them.

Tu voyera aussi ce que je travail sur aujourd-hui en the trop ecriture a la main dans notre planet. Je prend un <> mais a ecrit tous the <> sur un cahier de sorte que je n’etait les oublie.

There are two things I’d like to make note of before finishing my recording for you. Claudia has begun reading a book she has found very fascinating about one of our French destinations Marseille.

Il y a deux choses que je ameraise a remark avant finisant mon telecharge pour tu. Clauda a commence lirant un livre elle trouve tres fascine regardant un de notre destinations en France – Marseille.

Its a book about a French spy named Madame Marie Madeleine Fourcade and how she helped make D-Day possible and still remained almost unknown in the US. Claudia is sure that all the French know her name well.

C’est un livre a propos de espionne s’appelle Marie Madeleine Fourcade et comment elle a aide a fait D-Day possible et meme reste presque inconnu a le gens de the Etats Unis. Claudia est sure que tout le gens de France connais bien son nom.

The second item is a little bit of frosting on my day.

Le deuxieme truc est un petite morceau de glacage sur mon jour.

I will get to see my new daughter in law this afternoon. She has come home to be with her identical twin to celebrate their birthdays on Sunday.

Je recontera mon nouveau belle-fille ce apres midi. Elle reviens chez Duluth etre sa souer identique a celebre leur date de naissance en Dimanche.

I haven’t seen her in over a year. She is a sweetie. That’s it! Please have patience with me. I’ll be busy today

Je ne vois pas elle en plus un an. Elle est un cherie. Ca c’est! As patience avec moi s’il te plait. Je oucupera aujourd’hui.

I had planned to write more in the blog about the notes above but its almost noon and I haven’t started with any of them other than this blog post. I better get started on them.

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