The Fall of Lincoln – Not Eudora

Last night I was on a one-hour zoom chat with my fellow Minnesota RepubliQuinns, Senator David Durrenberger, Governor Arne Carlson and long time Republican analyst turned Independent, Tom Horner. We all offered our hearty endorsements to Quinn Nystrom who has taken over my charge against Congressman Pete Stauber. I hope Quinn’s campaign makes the video available on the Internet. If so I will link to it.

In the meantime here is the beginning of my last column before the November 3rd Election. The Fall of Lincoln begins:

A week ago angry protesters knocked over statues of two of my favorite presidents on the day set aside by Congress to let Italians know they were finally considered white. Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln both suffered from a condition known as being human. They had no access to Dr. Who’s tardis to teleport them into a gentler future to see the errors of our past. That said, it could be argued that Teddy imagined a future where the environment would be treasured and Abe saw a future where the words “all men (and women) are created equal” would be taken seriously.

Read them on the Duluth Reader here.

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