Sitting in the Morning sun

My eight loyal readers have no doubt noticed that my posts have been slowing down. For the past two weeks I’ve spent more of my free time practicing French than mulling over my underdog’s campaign against Pete Stauber. I’ve detected no interest in my campaign of consequence and bending over backward to create a stir to win more than 10% of the vote in a Republican Congressional primary no longer seems very productive. Besides, for four years and half years my primary mental focus has been to save America from the Trump crap in a burning bag left at our doorsteps.

The Colbert people were too hard on the Lincoln Project. It is true that their staff presided over the Trumplification of the Republicans even before Donald Trump showed up to take their reins. It just goes to show that short term thinking is dangerous……like eating your next crops seeds before you sow them.

I spent an hour and a half on French this morning and I can hear my French penpal summoning me on Hello Talk. I have spent three or four days writing to S in French for the first time since we made each other’s acquaintance six months ago. I’m making progress. I am also enjoying some peace of mind. Not about the Earth’s prospects but at least about America’s. If we can rid ourselves of Trump and the opportunistic dimwit’s vice grip on the Republican Party there will be hope.

I got my very first reply to three months worth of Lincoln Democrat musings two days ago. It was from a Mary from Brainerd. Mary told me that I made typos that undermined anyone taking me serious as a Republican candidate for Congress. I thanked her and admitted I don’t always proof read carefully and let it at that. I can’t think of much else to say to a Stauber supporter who has failed to notice that our Oval Office occupant puts me to shame in the typo department.

Maintenant, Je dois fait des serioux parlais avec mon ami/amie…….(C’est mon secret)

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