Speaking of propaganda

To its discredit the Obama Administration succumbed to panic over this and fired an honorable person because of the GOP slander machine. Yes, Yes Vic, I know. Democrats are capable of the same sort of crap. Apparently being a jerk is human not just political nature.

Oh, and Glenn Beck says his Doctor says he might go blind………Huh! He’s already blind. I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t just another way to get his viewers to pony up sympathy money like when Oral Roberts told his viewers a nine hundred foot tall Jesus told him he would die unless he raised nine million bucks to build a hospital on his college’s campus. According to Roberts, “I want you to use the ORU medical school to put My medical presence in the earth. I want you to get this going in one year or I will call you home. It will cost $8 million and I want you to believe you can raise it.”

I know Dr. Dixon attended CSU but he must have listened to Roberts. He can tear up just as easily. I know this sounds pretty cynical but even Jesus warned his followers to watch out for false prophets……or was that profits?

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