Having endured thirty years of suffering from political stereotyping first by Democrats who pegged me as the worst kind of Republican then for twenty years (post Reagan) as a fake Republican I don’t entirely disagree with Vic. I’ve caucused with the DFL for the last three election cycles. That entitles me to a new stereotyping regime.
I’ll give Vic the last word on this post:
Your response reminds me of one of my friends who admits to liking to use hyperbole. I said to him that an undesirable quality to hyperbole is that motivation for its use is often to represent reality as thus exaggerated, which constitutes misrepresentation and dishonesty. I think that there is too much misrepresentation and dishonesty by us humans — especially in politics, which presumably involves subjects of substantial importance to the people in the society in which the politics occur. Bullshit might make the grass grow green, but I don’t think it is as beneficial to humans as it is to grass.