The Duluth News Trib and Roadapple

“Roadapple” is a euphemism for horse _ _ _ _.

I gave this word some thought as I read today’s Trib story about Woodland Middle School. (not the one how the District is desperate to unload the school by giving a buyer the right to pave over the precious little grove of nature behind it) There have been bomb threats lately which have put family’s on edge. The new principal is busy telling the Board happy things that are going on at the school. I don’t blame her. I suspect she is overworked and regarded as part of that of the unnecessary administrative expenses that the Red Plan is designed to put an end to.

When Woodland first took on elementary students we assigned two principals to the school. Later we learned that this was overkill and brought the number back down to one. Today there is one principal but (according to one of the last paragraphs in the story) “The school has two police officers”.

Two police officer! Not two principals but two police officers. That’s what I read in today’s roadapple of a paper.

I know that Dr. Dixon regularly hires police to monitor unruly citizens who come to attend School Board meetings lest they get out of hand when the Chairman cuts off their microphones but now they are needed to protect elementary school students from the bleeding sore that the Red Plan has become.

There was very little in today’s Trib that I did not see first on its “news partner’s” Fox News broadcast last night. Yet here was a very good example of a story in need of further elaboration – a middle school that once got by with a single principal now requiring two police officers. Two police officers! I’d like to know how many middle schools in Minnesota require a single officer. What’s going on?

But, the Trib dutifully, (dutifully to its major advertiser Dr. Dixon) did write up a story yesterday making the new school board members look like fools and idiots in need of training in the art of parliamentary procedure by the State School Board Association.

Member Mary Cameron said Johnston’s constant talk of procedures and rules of order at meetings is tiring to the audience.

“People ask me how I can stand it,” she said. “People want to hear the business of the district when they come to meetings. Three to four hours have been taken up (in one night) talking about procedure.”

If I were one of the new members I’d look forward to having the experts show up because I’d have some questions for the MSBA. The first one would be why school board policies are unenforceable. For example, how is it that policies outlining bidding policies for expenditures in the tens of millions of dollars can be routinely ignored?

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