And Jackie thanked me for not waiting to file until the end of the day when a welter of candidates showing up late make for a headache.
Yesterday was stellar. I finally neared the end of a year-long procrastination. The wait to clear my office floor of debris. When I came back from Old Central I found my cat Moloch sitting forlornly on carpet which had once been strewn gloriously with messy papers. He counted on pawing them to get my attention when he thought I should feed him. Now he’ll have to jump up to my computer and walk around it like other cats.
I got nearly 1000 words of my book written. In fact they laid out a structure so fortuitously that I know I’ll be able to meet my 100 day timeline or come very close.
On leaving the Superintendent’s office I looked up at the wall to wall map of the School District to pick out District Number 2’s outline. It looks like a tall necked rubber duck. Its just the heart of my neighborhood and even more inviting than the old District 2 boundaries I used to represent.
I joked with Jackie that the only reason I was filing was to get my district parking pass back. It was a lame joke but my lame jokes always make me smile. Now its time for some hard work and fun.