One of the anti red plan folks told us recently that he sent five letters in succession to the DNT but none were published. There must be an ink or paper shortage. He finally got his sixth letter criticizing the Red Plan in. Perseverance is a virtue.
I don’t know what topics his first five letters were about. They may not have been about the Red Plan at all. But stories like his fuel the paranoia feeling on our side of the Red Line that the Trib has set journalistic impartiality aside. A lot of us feel like we’ve been reduced to NIMBY’s, disinformers and child haters on the pages of our local paper.
Well, I should confess that that last bit does describe me. I hate kids but I have good reason.
My little Tan Man has been fighting with me over Grandma. If I call her “my sweetie” he’ll argue with me and call back “My sweetie.” For the past few days we’ve been arguing like this all the time. Over the weekend he took his Grandma by the hand and pulled her into the closet while I chased him and tried to get her back. He kept calling “my sweetie” over while he looked over his shoulder to make sure he was a few steps ahead of me. Then he closed the closet door on me and shut himself in with my sweetie.
I pounded on the closet door and begged to get “my sweetie” back but he just yelled through the crack in the door “MY sweetie.” We argued like this all weekend and he keeps winning the argument by wrapping his arms around his grandma to keep her all to himself.
How could anyone blame me for finding children so disagreeable?