I may owe my readers a “mea culpa”

I recently blogged in high dudgeon about what I said was the revelation that JCI’s once promised energy savings for the District has shrunk from $2 million to $800,000. Now I’m not so certain that the two mil figure is accurate. Some of my colleagues have pointed to the review and comment doc sent to the state two years ago with a figure in it of $800,000.

I’m not sure how a two million figure for energy savings got lodged in my head but I’ve mentioned it many times in print and in this blog. No one from the District or the School Board ever corrected me. So, I may have to correct myself. That will require hunting for any documented claims of two million in energy savings but I just don’t have time to do it at the moment. If I don’t find any then I will have to confess to spreading at least some misinformation.

Like I said I don’t have time to do it now. I’ve got potential school board candidates to interview;a surety bond to purchase, details to track down of a successful effort to mislead the public about the financial costs of Plan B. But most urgently I’ve got to list all the documents in my possession demanded by the School District to show what I know and when I knew it. You’d think I was a witness at the Watergate Hearings.

What they want from me reminds me of that old Star Trek episode called “Spock’s Brain” where the entire contents of a computer were transferred into the brain of the Enterprise’s surgeon of the Enterprise so he could reattach Spocks Brain to his head. Things got tense part way through the operation when Bones realized the information he had downloaded had starting evaporating leaving him with a lot of sutures to knot and no clue where to tie them off.

They want me to go through two years worth of email for relevant info. Hear that noise? Its the sound of my eyes rolling. No wonder my head hurts so much today.

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