Mind you, I have no love with the Forum Communication’s hench men who are in Leage with David Ross’s fraternity and JCI. Rather, I love the rank and file News Trib folks who live in Duluth and know how JCI is looting our treasury and how our supine School Board has hidden behind self righteous ignorance to deprive us of our voting rights.
Its a pity that I can’t link to the Lindstrom Cartoon on today’s editorial page but all by itself its worth buying a Trib today. I can’t complain about the placement of the Let Duluth Vote ad soliciting donations for our $100,000 bond. I had to pause in my fundraising to offer this well deserved compliment. Now I’m off to get the signature on the check to pay the Trib for our ad. It was a bargain!
Send your check and a pledge today.