Ordean interior demolition postponed

This letter from an LDV spokesman sent to local politicians all the way up to Governor Pawlenty may be one reason why.

June 4, 2009

Dear Tim Grover, Laura Condon, Ann Wasson, Mary Cameron, Judy Slega-Punko, Nancy Nilsen, School Board Members, and Supt. Keith Dixon

This letter is our sincere and earnest attempt as citizens and taxpayers in ISD #709 to formally request that the School Board and School District halt the acceptance of building demolition bids and site plans until multiple issues on school sites have been resolved. It is our understanding that the District is ready to accept bids, and award contracts, for demolition at a number of sites, including the Ordean School site despite the fact that the Planning Commission has yet to make their ruling on whether to require an Environmental Impact Study (EIS). Although the District had initial approval for this site from the MDE, many major changes in plans have occurred, and the details of such changes have not yet been ruled on or approved by the MDE. These were changes that resulted in even less buildable (usable) land at this site, (closer to 11 acres than the originally submitted 26 acres), and significantly fewer parking spaces will be available than previously submitted to MDE.

In addition, multiple safety issues and environmental issues have been raised by experienced professionals and have not yet been addressed at the Ordean school site. Even the initial traffic studies brought forth major traffic congestion and safety issues, not previously released, properly investigated or resolved. For other sites, there are multiple zoning, permit and street issues that have yet to be brought to the City Council, and yet the District is about to sign contracts legally binding the demolition of fully functional, operational, and valued neighborhood schools.

We object to the rush to obtain bids for demolition and site work for Piedmont, Denfeld and Ordean school sites. This demolition work called for by rushed, preliminary, incomplete, un-reviewed, and un-approved final plans by the MDE for these school sites is in violation of specific School District policies governing new school construction, Minnesota Department of Education policy requiring final plan approval, State environmental laws answering EAW’s, City of Duluth environmental and zoning ordinances being complied with, and City of Duluth Building Permits office being given final, fully complete and approved plans for checking for full adherence to all city codes and safety regulations, and a final city building permit issued.

Well over 3000 Duluth citizen’s individually signed a petition for a chance to vote on an alternate plan for the Duluth School District. This valid petition, legally binds the School District to offer a referendum to the public after the plan has met the approval of the MDE. The School District has hired consultants to assist Let Duluth Vote, and the Review and Comment document will be submitted to MDE for approval next week. Representatives of the petitioners, Let Duluth Vote, brought forth this petition over a year ago, in good faith and respectful of the laws governing our state designed to protect the interests of citizens. We feel that the District delayed this legitimate process until it is too late to modify the existing plans, and is now rushing ahead to circumvent the will of the people.

If the District goes ahead and approves and signs the contracts for demolition of school buildings knowing that the peoples’ petition for an alternate plan is moving forward for a vote, and its Review and Comment Report is paid for and completed by taxpayer dollars, then you are knowingly wasting precious taxpayers money with no intention of following the law offering a public referendum to hear the voice of the people of this District. Should contracts be signed ahead of the vote, this would leave empty shells of buildings, making any question voted on moot, and the continued use of these school buildings impossible without additional tax dollars for repairs. This would clearly be a deliberate and blatant waste of taxpayer dollars and a violation of the public’s trust given to your elected office.

For 2 years, citizens have come out in full force, attending School Board meetings, writing letters, and yet for the last two years we have been told it was too late to make changes despite the fact that less than a fourth of the money has been spent, and despite the fact that there is a very good chance that a new Board elected next November, will turn around and give the people a chance to vote. If the opposition to this plan has continued and strengthened in two years, why would you, as a School Board, not be willing to at least delay the signing of demolition contracts until all other governing bodies have ruled? To ignore this request sends a clear message that the Board is unwilling to adhere to the jurisdiction, opinions, expertise and decisions hose governing bodies were voted into office to oversee for the health and safety of the citizens of our community.

At this point, as we watch the District rushing ahead of schedule, we are asking for sanity in this decision. What is the gain to try to circumvent the will of the people in spending our tax money frivolously, when the November election will come, and a new School Board will likely make correction in this rush to judgment on something as important as Duluth’s school system for educating students? Please do not destroy the fine school system we now have just because you have taken upon yourselves to exercise misplaced authority not to let the citizens of this District vote on such massive change and expense.. We are asking that you adhere to the original approved schedule rather than further waste money by moving up the school demolitions in attempt to circumvent the petition for a special election. The citizens have appropriately and legally followed the letter of the law and yet we are still standing at the 11th hour as the District continues to ignore other governmental agencies that also raise issues of significant concern where traffic, public safety and environmental issues are concerned.

We pray for your considered and reasoned response,

B. Anderson
Spokesperson for Let Duluth Vote

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