Nothing but rain for two days. The Cold and laryngitis I developed from a couple weeks of three and four hour nights isn’t quite over. I’ve managed to put eight or nine hours on the computer emailing people about the fund raising while my family gets about without me. The computer is such a small laptop that I keep hitting the wrong keys with my overgrown hands so that I erase half of what I’ve typed accidentally about every other minute. Oh, and I’m getting up at 5 tomorrow morning to drive my wife to the Green Bay airport to fly out and be with a relative who is gravely ill and about to undergo a major operation.
Every time I start thinking JCI has followed me to Wisconsin I pick up my grandson and wave him around like a cross as though I was warding off vampires.
We’ve haven’t even organized ourselves yet but we’ve got the first $10,000 nailed down. We’re working out our campaign and will soon win over the next $90,000. I rather hope that all the Commercial and Industrial businesses in Duluth who are getting socked with property tax spikes will help us out. The Chamber of Commerce has abandoned them for the Construction industry.
Next year after a new school board devises a sensible plan to put all the hungry Duluth Contractors to work on a much smaller building plan I’ll take a real vacation.