Not tonight thank you

Its been a very busy day for me. Its a quarter past 11PM and this is my first post of the day. I haven’t even stuck in a thank you. I’ll post for about 15 minutes and catch my readers up tomorrow after I donate blood in the morning……unless all the recent sleep deprivation is really giving me another sore throat tonight. Maybe its just allergies.

I attended the Chamber of Commerce Cheer leading luncheon this afternoon. I took an eight page report on economic related and tax related issues which suggest anything but a positive impact by the Red Plan. I have yet to post it on the LDV website.

The Chamber called the meeting to an end fifteen minutes prematurely because of negative statements and questions directed to the researchers.

I got home and had a ton of phone calls and family business to attend to and errands to run.

I got a call from reporter Katie Nordeen who did a sweet little news piece on open enrollment. She told me that the District had called to report that the judge had imposed a security bond on the taxpayers. My heart sank. Then she said it was for $100,000 and my heart soared. Then she told me we had all of June to raise it. I darned near had a heart attack. That will be tough but I think we can do it.

I sent out email to make sure the troops understood this was a stroke of luck. More on that tomorrow. Our attorney called and pointed out that we will get to our next court hearing on June 16th before a bond kicks in so that our case continues on. I’m reasonably confident that the Judge would put us out of mercy very quickly with an extravagant bond if we didn’t think we had a strong case .

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