Disapearing $ and other stuff

In the comment section on the Merrit Story in the Trib my old buddy Bevan commiserates with me for the terrible abuse I’m taking. In four days only 17 comments were generated in total. Some were friendly. Not a big deal, but thanks Bevan.

I’ve taken a closer look at Vote Yes’s finance reports. On Oct 23 they reported that the Duluth Teachers Union had contributed $3,000. (The DFT pointedly stiffed the campaigns for operational levies before Dr. Dixon) Perplexingly the Report for the end of the year shows the DFT having only contributed $2,000.

Its also interesting to note that as the campaign neared the election they had raised only $6,199.29. That’s when the four corporations kicked in just in time to cover $16,000 in spending. If you subtract out the $2,000 or $3,000 raised from the DFT they raised less than a tenth what regular citizens have contributed to Let Duluth Vote.

It’s likely that Move Forward Duluth’s 300 email addresses all came from parents who contributed to the operational Levy Campaign. Let Duluth Vote has received donations from 2,000 people.

Until the corporations gave last minute donations Vote Yes had very little campaign to speak of. They were lucky no one organized to oppose their levy.

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