My grandson had a cold this morning and so did I so I offered to watch him instead of having his Mother send him to day care. We watched Thomas the Tank episodes. I dozed a bit as he sat on my lap. We took a shower, played with TC Timber trains up by my computer so I could get a couple posts in and then had lunch – chicken soup and fresh fruit. Grandma came home with the cold that’s laid her low for the last couple days. She only lasted through the morning before her return. A very long nap followed which gave me a couple hours to work on some over due family paperwork.
I popped my Grandson in the car seat after he woke up and we went to the store to buy kabobs and yams to cook on the grill. After dinner I got the back lawn raked and the front lawn mowed. Over the past couple weeks I’d almost forgotten what it was like to spend time with family. It was very pleasant.
After my wife and I were alone I opened a nice bottle of zin and found my wife turned to the The Movie Channel which was showing West Side Story. I love the music so we watched it together for the first time since my daughter was about ten years old.
On that occasion she was sitting on my lap just as her son sat on my lap this morning. That was a traumatic experience because when we got to the end and poor Tony was done in by Chino I began a repressed sobbing. To my daughter it felt like I was suppressing laughter and since she was crying she thought I was laughing at her. To my horror she ran upstairs shouting that I was making fun of her.
It is so easy to be misunderstood.
I’ll be in court early tomorrow before the 9AM hearing. No matter what happens I don’t plan to cry.