Piedmont promises broken

This email from a Piedmont Height’s residents helps explain why the Red Plan is turning that neighborhood into a Hermantown suburb:

I was at a piano recital tonight. Saw an old Piedmont friend there. She said she is so angry that they are tearing down Piedmont. She said at the original Red Plan meetings, no more than $90,000 was needed to upgrade Piedmont. How on earth did it go from that to tearing it down along with houses and closing a street? Now a whole school of children are being uproot for 2 years. She also said the best teacher at Piedmont is losing his job because of the move down to Lincoln, which they consider “a school closure” she said. What a mess they are creating, all to “better educate” our children.

Please, Please Duluth News Tribune. Don’t disappoint me and report any of this.

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