The Roman example

I didn’t have time to post about another story in yesterday’s Trib – the death by strangulation of Duluth’s once top notch NJROTC program that serves all our high schools.

Last month emotional NJROTC students spoke to the Board and won a short stay of execution since the Board members couldn’t yet face killing the program. Apparently the reprieve lasted all of one month. Here’s the lip service Nancy Nilsen offered:

“I am still not willing to give up on this program,” board member Nancy Nilsen said. It doesn’t seem fair, she said, that students who have invested three years in NJROTC be robbed of the experience as seniors. She asked the district to explore ways to keep the program for at least one more year.

The Dixon administration is following the Roman Empire’s example. After Rome defeated their mortal enemy Carthage they tore down the city and poured salt on the ground so nothing would ever grow on the soil of Carthage again.

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