Tom Boman’s Trib column makes a number of important points that are long overdue. Among them:
For fifty years kids from eastern Duluth manged to make their way to to a Central High. There’s no reason that will change.
And just because the Red Plan might be scotched doesn’t mean nothing will be done. Whether Duluth voters eventually decide to spend all the money raised without a vote they are almost certain to OK significant construction spending even if the taxpayers win their suit against the District and JCI. In fact, taxpayer’s suit has asked the court to require JCI pay punitive damages for the illegal contract they engineered and the wreck it has foisted on Duluth.
Here’s a sample of Tom’s sensible column:
Students attending Marshall School, a close neighbor to Central, have for decades figured out how to get to school from the eastern end of town.
There are many groups in Duluth eager to profit from the economic stimulus from the red plan, the spending including for architects, building contractors, laborers and more. Moving the site of the new eastern high school from Ordean to Central would still spend red plan money because Central would require upgrades as called for in the blue plan. But, as the blue plan stated, the Central site has the space and location that is ideal for a high school.