Following a LEED

Like a dog on a leash the School Board is placidly following JCI’s lead on green issues. Very nice. According to today’s Trib story we will save big money because the District’s new buildings with its new JCI chillers will save so much money in energy costs. Yup, Whenever I plug in my AC my electric bills take a big plunge. Unlike the big lake’s cooling effects electric cooling is practically free.

For those who are always confused when I’m being indirect this is where a lesser writer would insert, “ha, ha,” to make it clear they are being sarcastic. Oops! I guess I’m a lesser writer. Dang it! Who will want to read my book.

Here’s an analogy. So a poor old fellow on a fixed income has to fix up his single stall garage because it leaks a little even though he doesn’t drive his car much anymore. His son steals the Dad’s credit card and orders the garage torn down to be replaced with a heated two stall garage with solar panels. This way, explains the son the Father will be saving money on his heating bills. Of course, the garage never had a heater before.

This is how a green building project can put you in the red.

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