Its too late and there are too many things happening.
I spent almost two hours talking to law enforcement today. Just a fishing expedition on my part.
At our meeting there were so many new ideas and some fresh faces. Brenda tried to keep it short but we had an embarassment of riches.
Our banker ex school board member wasn’t impressed with the $1,800 that came in since the last meeting but we only got the last mailing into homes two days ago. He wished I’d mentioned the PO Box on Carinda Horton’s show.
It was a small mailing but I recognized the name of a teacher’s union officer who wished us well. The note has been turned into a j.peg for future use. I’ve got so many already it will take me until May to get them all the LDV website one day at a time. And, of course they only come in about one per ten donations.
Lots of new ideas got kicked around. Merchants who a year ago were afraid to put a donation can for LDV are now clammoring for them. I think “Can the Red Plan” would be a great slogan to put on them and the cans would have to be red, of course.
I’ve got a couple more interesting things to add but I’m fading. Hope I remember them tomorrow.