Insurance and Pigeon equity

Yesterday’s Human Resources and Business Committee meetings were quiet. Today’s Trib had the most significant financial story. Our health insurance premium will be jumping up after years of remaining fairly level. Next year it will jump 6.9 percent. However, we budgeted for an increase nearly that large at 6.5% which will blunt the impact.

Next Monday we will be having a COW. That’s a Committee of the Whole to discuss our budget and finances. I’m looking forward to that. But it was a different animal entirely that I got a kick out of yesterday – pigeons.

There was a contract for netting birds in our business agenda. David Spooner was present to take over for Facilities manager Kerry Leider. Rather than read the several pages attached to the contract I asked for a brief explanation. It seems that pigeons have taken up residence at Public School Stadium over at Denfeld. They’ve been a nuisance in the past and we are attempting to remove them humanely. They have been flying around unloading on unsuspecting visitors.

I impishly asked Mr. Spooner if we couldn’t move some of them to the new stadium at East high School to insure “equity” in the District. Oh, he told me, They have already found their way there. I’m afraid I let out a rather indecorous roar of laughter.

Equity indeed.

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