Swords/Plowshares 27 – News Tribune View: “Waive policies, negotiate sale”

Despite spirited arguments offered to the DNT’s Editorial Board against selling Central by Superintendent Gronseth and Board Chair Harala yesterday the verdict of a thoughtful Editorial by the DNT is: “Waive policies, negotiate sale.”

The School Board has only heard about a proposal to date. We haven’t seen it. What’s more there are several negotiating points that have not been, well, negotiated – like for instance, whether it is all 77 acres or not or if it would include the new STC building that once housed a very popular vocational ed program that drew in students from surrounding schools. And of course, there has been no discussion, that this Board member has heard about, of a protective “enrollment cap.” that could be very important to ISD 709’s future.

It strikes me as premature to consider a change in our policy unless and until we also authorize negotiations to cover all of these and other points. I will be profoundly disappointed if the Board refuses to explore the most generous offer we are likely to see any time soon. Passing up new money will incline me not to vote for any budgets offered for our consideration as we chop away at our exiting program.

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