After today’s front page headlines some email is being sent to the Duluth School Board. Here’s one sample:
I am lifelong Duluth resident and graduate from the Duluth Public Schools, as well as from UMD. I am contacting you to voice my support for selling the vacant Central High School building. I understand that the current policy is not to sell assets to competing schools, which I fully understand the intent of that rule. However, this circumstance is unique in that the sale of the facility will have minimal impact on the projected net loss of students. Edison is already going to build a new high school, only a few miles away from the vacant Central High School building, regardless of whether or not you sell that property to them. In this circumstance, you are going to see a loss of students no matter what, so it only makes sense to sell the vacant property, and recoup some of the money from the sale. It makes no sense to continue to spend additional money to maintain that property any longer. It has been several years without a purchase, and this offer is only on the board for a limited time before Edison breaks ground on their new high school building.
I strongly urge you to sell the property, and use the funds to stabilize your budget and prepare for the loss of students, because it is coming one way or another.
Thank you,
If you would like to let all seven members of the school board know what you think about this subject email us at
Sorry, you will have to copy this non working link and put it in your email to send the Board your thoughts.