Central Sale Feedback # 1

After today’s front page headlines some email is being sent to the Duluth School Board. Here’s one sample:

Good morning.
Let me start by saying that I have 2 children at East High School, and have been very happy with the school. I would like to say that I would be in support of the sale of old Central High School to the Edison charter school group. The Edison high school is going to open a high school, one way or another. The District is going to lose students to this new school, one way or another. Getting the 14.2 million for Central benefits the entire community by lessening the debt faced by the school district. Selling Central to Edison would also keep intact the Snowflake Nordic Center which is used by Duluth East students for Nordic ski team training, as well as hundreds of younger kids and adults of all ages. It would be a loss to the entire community if Snowflake were to be negatively impacted by a new school.

Again, I would encourage you to support the sale of Central High School to Edison. (And I do not plan on pulling my kids from ISD709 to send them to this new school. I am very happy where they currently are.)

Thank you.

If you would like to let all seven members of the school board know what you think about this subject email us at schoolboard@isd709.org.

Sorry, you will have to copy this non working link and put it in your email to send the Board your thoughts.

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