Who made the Ordean Stadium call?

Once again the Red Plan’s great cheerleader, the Duluth Trib, has announced yet another unanticipated benefit of the Red Plan – a football stadium for eastern Duluth. The tone of the story once again suggests that this is all news to the Trib as though it had nothing to do with the Red Plan.

Perhaps the most interesting quote belongs to Kerry Leider who like all Dr. Dixon’s subordinates finds himself in the unenviable position of having to defend the decision to force the plan down Duluth’s throat without a vote.

“There was an extensive process that involved at least 18 community meetings that led up to these decisions,” he said. “Principals, athletic directors, parents, coaches… were all saying this was something they wanted.”

So my question is: who made the stadium call – the tens of thousands of Duluthians who participated at the “18 community meetings” or the insiders, the “Principals, athletic directors etc?

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