Having been confined to my house for the past three days left me raring to go. My right eye was still dialated but I decided folks would be more intrigued than terrorized if I knocked on their doors. I cut off half of some clip-on sunglasses and passed out Alanna’s flyers and lawnsigns. I found four takers in the morning for signs and then joined Alanna in the afternoon and we stuck up another four or five.
Then we ran across someone who made our day. It was a parent who had emailed all the Board members and candidates. It turned out that within minutes of receiving this email Alanna replied. This is something a number of the Board members still have not done nearly three weeks later.
The parent told us that some comments from Board members had left a bad taste, especially from Rosie Loeffler-Kemp. Rosie said she was disappointed with the parent. Then the parent told me that my blog has been a major source of information. I admitted that I’d written about this parent’s concerns without taking sides but that proved not to be a problem. At least my blog posts showed some concern without brushing it off.
After this the parent took seven of Alanna’s lawnsigns to put up around town. Not a bad day’s work for a pirate.