When school employees work for JCI

Someone has paid for ads in the News Tribune recently for “neighborhood” meetings to discuss ideas for the new Red Plan Schools. There will be a meeting at Ordean on Wednesday October 8th from 6:30 – 8:00pm and one at Denfeld the next evening. The meeting will be run by new JCI employees Eric Kaiser and Greg Repensky. Until recently Eric and Greg were principals in the District. They both still have school district email addresses which are in the ad: Eric.Kaiser@duluth.k12.mn.us and Greg.Repenskyduluth.k12.mn.us.

The School District is already in tough financial shape and has had to lay off some other administrators. Fortunately, the School Board has given so much money to Johnson Controls that our Project Manager can now hire school staff so we don’t have to lay them off.

Eric’s position was also recently paid for through a grant for which he had little connection. I don’t know what the Grant givers would have thought of that but when times get tough our Administration knows how to be creative.

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