What our levy question faces

This is what the District faces. A poll in the Trib August 20th asked this question: “What amount do you favor for the Duluth public schools operational levy?”

With over 1500 votes counted this was the result.

$365 per student

$700 per student

$1,200 per student


Total Votes: 1560

Things won’t be quite this grim for the levy because it won’t be put to voters this way. Its likely that most voters who are favorably disposed will approve the smallest figure. If so, this could give the District 43.4% of the vote not merely 13.4%. On the other hand this still leaves a 13.3% gap to make up. Furthermore, its likely that the people taking the online poll are younger and more computer savvy than the much older voting population. If this is the best that the levy can do with young people it doesn’t bode well for the older voters on fixed incomes who have typically been the most resentful about the School Board’s obstinacy.

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