My name is Reinert. Thank you

One of our LDV folks takes a pretty dim view of City Councilor Reinert’s candidacy for the legislature. He wrote Roger a somewhat intemperate email awhile back:

President Reinhart:

What are you and the city council doing? I watched the news about your pulling an agenda item to vote on the Red Plan. We want the City Council to vote on this. Quit using parlimentary slight of hand movements and start representing us and stop the Red Plan.

And this was the President’s reply:

Mr. Johnston:

First, my name is Reinert and not “Reinhart.” Thank you.

Second, there was no “parliamentary slight of hand.” Councilor Fedora has the right to move to remove something from the Council Agenda. That is what our agenda sesison is for. My job is to conduct the meeting and honor the rights of every Councilor. Which I did. The motion needed a 2/3 vote to pass which it received.

Roger Reinert

Our Mr. Johnston was not impressed with President Reinert’s deference towards the Duluth School Board. Looking at the financial mess the City is in and the good Councilor’s blindness to the tax hogging Red Plan which cripples the City…..well, I guess I’m not very impressed either.

We don’t need any more legislators who get huffy over a constituent’s spelling errors. Thank you.

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