I’ve rolled a number of blog posts and emails together to come up with this week’s Not Eudora column. It harks back to an earlier blog post of mine.
Here’s a sample that’s an eye opener:
“All the mischief in Duluth began once it was discovered that there was a way to authorize a building program without a vote. Superior had a referendum. They got a good deal.
The Superior Schools have half as many students as the Duluth Schools. The cost of their school overhaul was $47 million. That’s far less per student than the Red Plan. Here are the round figures:
Superior 5,000 students / $50,000,000 = $10,000 per child
Duluth 10,000 students / $300,000,000 = $30,000 per childBut that’s just the beginning of the comparison. When Superior built its new schools the State of Wisconsin agreed to pay 2/3rds of the cost. The Superior project cost $47 million but Superior taxpayers only paid $15 million dollars for their new schools. That’s one tenth what Duluth taxpayers will pay under the Red Plan. Superior paid $3,000 per child. Duluth will pay $30,000 per child.”