I’m getting behind

I’m pretty appalled to discover that I haven’t been in the School Board’s email system for two months. I’ve been poking my eyes in every now and then but found it discouraging. I typically send replies back to folks apologizing for my tardy response. But two months is damn near unforgivable.

I’ve got about a hundred emails to look through. Some of the first have been heartening. I’ll put one message from December 3rd in at the end of this.

Immediately preceding this post is a post I meant to finish a few days ago about the Edison school plans for a high school. I put it off when I decided a weekend preparing for a birthday party and spending time with my family would take precedence for my sanity’s sake. But every delay in catching up with the blog (or my email) leaves me like the punch line in my Dad’s only reliable joke about the butcher who sat on his meat grinder. I get behind in my work.

Here’s the email:

Dear School Board members,

I find it fiscally and legally questionable of board actions to pay $211 per hour to an outside attorney for a questionable investigation for personal reasons was funded while core program updates and implementations remain uncompleted through what seems to be misplaced priorities.

You are entrusted by the public with using public funds and mandates from laws/voters to provide children with a quality education and growth. This fiscal redirection of resources to fund your personal squabbles is both unseemly and is opposite from the reasons you all ran for the board, except for Mr. Gronseth whom you hired based on his views.
I hope to contact the state department of education/governor/representatives/auditors and have them legally encourage/direct the boards fiscal and efforts be turned back towards fulfilling state mandates for updated Duluth programs that meet the needs of the students and state standards.

Perhaps I can also encourage friends who have worked together cooperatively for the greater good in community groups, non-profits, and business to contact their state and city representatives and administrative offices to encourage you all to focus on purpose, which is an up to date and functional programs available and taught to students across the cities schools.

Respectfully yours,


Here’s my two line response:

Thank you ***, I agree.

My late reply is unpardonable but that sort of thing has become a very familiar fault of this school board.

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